Superintendent's Report - Midwinter Edition

Midwinter is upon us - a time when SD8 students and educators look forward to sharing and showing what children have learned and the talents they have developed in the first half of the school year. It's a time when family and community are invited into our schools to watch - and in many cases participate in - holiday concerts and events.
It's also a time when we each focus on enjoying the company of others and sharing what we have. This is the case at J.V. Humphries School who held their Annual Holiday Hamper Fundraiser (21 years and counting!) to benefit Kootenay Lake communities from Howser to Ainsworth and everywhere in between. Another example of generosity and ingenuity is at South Nelson Elementary where their dedicated PAC organized a Santa's Workshop event of re-gifting where students raised money to support school initiatives and help local charities this winter season.
There are many stories and images in this report that describe and show the wonderful community spirit and many talents our students possess and the hard work they have done to be ready to share the gift of learning with families and communities. A key example of this is the Wildflower Nelson Learning Fair. This annual showcase of student projects is a wonder to behold, and is evidence of a passion for lifelong learning on the part of staff and students.
My hope is that this report gives you a sense of the warmth radiating from our school communities in the middle of winter.
Happy holidays and wishes for a joyous winter season.