Superintendent's Report - June 2024

The school year is coming to a close in a few weeks and hundreds of high school graduates across our district will reach out their hands to accept their Certificate of Graduation or B.C. “Dogwood diploma.”
June is also Indigenous History Month and Pride Month. By honouring the experiences of Indigenous Peoples, we take another small step in the journey of many steps that lead to Truth and Reconciliation. By promoting a caring and inclusive learning culture, we show every student from kindergarten through grade 12 that they can safely be their authentic selves at school and in our communities.
As an administrator and an educator, I am deeply committed to the idea of "the educated citizen." This concept, from the provincial Vision for Student Success, encompasses the intellectual, social and emotional and career development of each child. Developing educated citizens is at the core of why school districts exist. Day to day, month to month, year to year, SD8 is here to support students to succeed from early learning to high school graduation.
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates and to every student who is preparing to write exams, complete final assignments, participate in class and school events, and share the results of their year-long learning with other students, family and friends as the 2023-2024 school years winds to a close.
And thank you to each of our SD8 staff, students, families and education partners who has played a role in supporting each learner to thrive in the caring environment of our six families of schools.
Have a safe and fun summer,