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Weekly message January 12th

Good morning Rosemont families,

Happy Sunday to you all. I hope your children are easing back into the routines and structure of schools days once again.

A few reminders:

  1. We NEED hot lunch volunteers to continue to provide a hot lunch program for your children.  A volunteer is needed to hand out pizza tomorrow, and Thursday for sushi pick up, and for the weeks to come.  If you would like to have hot lunch continue to be offered for your child, please help out with a shift or two.   Hot lunch is a PAC organized and run program. 

Please sign up:

2. January Rosemont PAC meeting is Wednesday, January 15th 5:45-6:45pm in the school library.  Free childminding and pizza are offered.  Please come and support your PAC, and lend a hand to help organize the CARNIVAL.  Agenda and December minutes attached.

3. Reminder – Monday, January 20th is a Pro-D day.  No school for students next Monday.

Have a great week,
