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Earth Day was a big celebration at Rosemont School!  We aligned our Earth Day messages with our Poetry month to create a 'Poetree' where all students showcased their earth poems. 

We held an outdoor assembly where we learned about the history and importance of Earth Day, sang songs and students shared their writing. 


School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) announced today that the following school principal and vice-principal transfers, appointments and retirements will come into effect August 1, 2023:


School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) announced today that the following school principal and vice-principal transfers, appointments and retirements will come into effect August 1, 2023:  


An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake).


On Wednesday, February 22nd Rosemont School was a SEA of PINK!  

Students represented their awareness of kindness by sporting pink shirts. We came together to sing, learn and understand how to help solve problems in peaceful ways.  

Rosemont students are KIND and CARING upstanders – way to go Rosemont! 

An elementary school class seated on a gymnasium floor, all wearing pink shirts.

An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit our meetings page.


We were so excited to welcome back a long-standing Rosemont tradition - our annual student Talent Show!  Students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 worked hard to practice their skills to showcase with the school and parent audience - everything from singing, dancing, piano, Rubik’s cube completion to martial arts and gymnastics.  Way to go Rosemont students - you sure make us proud!



Rosemont StrongStart - TUESDAYS 10:30-11:15am @ Art Gibbins Park

*meet at the new playground*



Hello families,

Please see the attached Rosemont Restart Plan for information regarding our Back To School.  See you September 10th!
