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Read or download the Rosemont Elementary School Code of Conduct

If you are not satisfied with a decision made at the school level, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following two documents that outline the process for communication to resolve any concerns, and the options available to you in School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake):

Rosemont School Code of Conduct

Statement of Purpose

Students at Rosemont Elementary will be provided with a safe learning environment to enhance learning. We strive to encourage the development of self-esteem and resilience amongst our students. We also strive to encourage the development of respect towards self and others in our school, community and the environment in which we live.

Students of Rosemont Elementary are expected to model values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service, and facility in the school environment.

The following expectations apply to behaviour while under the jurisdiction of the school or at any school-based function. This also includes on-line behaviour. Our Code of Conduct provides a basic framework and common expectations for all students.

Our Mission Statement:

Rosemont is a mindful Community School where students use Caring, Commitment to Learning, Creativity, Common Sense and Calm to empower themselves to embrace challenge and change, foster mutual respect and responsibility, and appreciate and care for their world.

Acceptable Conduct at Rosemont School

Rosemont follows the 5 Cs for behaviour:

Caring, Commitment to Learning, Creativity, Common Sense and Calm

The following is a student generated list.

We show Creativity by:

  • Using our imaginations inside and outside the classroom
  • Designing and building new and interesting inventions
  • Making up stories and characters
  • Making our school beautiful and full of colour

We show Caring by:

  • Helping someone who is hurt
  • Sharing your toys and school supplies
  • Listening to the teacher the first time
  • Including everyone
  • Saying “please” and “thank you”
  • Standing up for someone who is being bullied
  • Showing new students around the school
  • Recycling and picking  up litter

We show Commitment to Learning by:

  • Having a positive attitude
  • Helping others to learn
  • Listening to the person who is helping you
  • Not being afraid to ask for help
  • Never giving up
  • Focussing on the subject
  • Always doing your best
  • Helping others to learn

We show Common Sense by:

  • Being respectful not disrespectful
  • Older kids helping little kids
  • Helping people out
  • Not littering
  • Being aware of your surroundings
  • Staying in the school boundaries
  • Being safe
  • Thinking ahead

We show Calm by:

  • Taking a few breaths when we need it
  • Trying not to overreact to situations
  • Taking a break at the Calming Corner
  • Asking questions when we are unsure of what is happening
  • Being Mindful

We show respect for our community’s environment.

If a child acts against safety guidelines or the Rosemont Code of Conduct the following steps describe the process generally used for addressing behavior.  

The following procedure is in place to maintain a safe environment for all students. Rosemont School believes in building a culture of peace and respect for all. We have adopted a restorative justice framework to deal with discipline situations which follows the five basic elements:

  • All students are valued.
  • Focus is on actions not the person.
  • Each person must take responsibility for their behavior in order to move forward.
  • The harm (emotional, social and physical) must be acknowledged.
  • Reparation for harm is essential.

Unacceptable Conduct at Rosemont School

Physical aggression or violence

  • Acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, exclusion or discrimination based on race, culture, religion or sexual orientation, (personal or electronically)
  • Disrupting the learning of others with noise or distracting behaviour
  • Possession of objects that put oneself or others in danger (See School District #8 Policy Manual, Policy #340 Harassment, for further details)

Consequences for Unacceptable Conduct at Rosemont School

The student(s) may be removed from the class or playground and a discussion will occur in the Thinking Corner with the parties involved. The students will be guided by the completion of the “Problem Solver Sheet”. The purpose of this activity is to calm the student down and regain control of his/her own behaviour. In a minor conflict the use of this student-centred problem solving approach gives the student(s) the opportunity to take responsibility for their role in the conflict and in the solution.  As students mature, it is understood that they will show increasing self-responsibility, leadership, and decision making ability. When considering consequences for behaviour that is not in line with the Rosemont Code of Conduct, the school will take many factors into consideration: the severity and frequency of the actions, as well as the age, maturity, and personal history of the student.

At Rosemont School it is believed that:

  • If I make a mistake, I will come up with a plan at the Thinking Corner to change my behaviour
  • Get help from an adult
  • Accept and learn from my mistake(s)

Minor Problems

  • Students involved referred to the Thinking Corner
  • Discussion with an adult to review appropriate behaviour if necessary
  • Time out for reflection if necessary

Repeated Problems

  • Infraction recorded by Principal
  • Staff and Parents informed
  • Have student(s) make restitution for their behaviour
  • Loss of privileges (eg. Time spent off of  playground)

Serious Problems

  • Incident is investigated by the Principal and notes are kept
  • Parents are informed and included in the planning process
  • Depending on the history of behaviour, responses to the behaviour may be developed with the student(s).
  • The focus is on restitution, or repairing the wrongs done, rather than punishment
  • Chronic, serious behaviour may result in student suspension.
  • Consequences are progressive; they become more serious with increasingly severe behaviour and/or increasing frequency

Safety Guidelines

Students are expected to behave in a manner which is safe for themselves and others, and which is respectful of people and property.

Bicycles and skateboards

Once a student arrives at school he/she needs to get off bike or skateboard and walk to the bike rack or the cloakroom area for skateboards. Bicycles and skateboards are to be left alone during the school day.


Once a student arrives at school, he/she is to stay on the school grounds all day unless there is a note from the parent that states otherwise. The front of the school and parking lot are always out of bounds to children playing outside.

Dress Code

The general rule for dress code is for students to dress in a manner appropriate to establish a positive environment at school. School Administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate or not appropriate.

The following provides guidelines around appropriate dress at Rosemont:

  • Footwear must be worn at all times for safety reasons
  • Shorts, pants, and skirts must be of sufficient length. Undergarments must not be prominently in sight
  • Shirts must touch the top of the pants in a normal standing position, have an appropriate neckline and not be see through
  • Beachwear is not appropriate at school
  • Shirts condoning violence, profanity, hatred, discrimination, negative stereotypes or negative messages are not appropriate

Playground Equipment

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a safe and caring manner on and around the playground equipment. Taking turns and proper use of equipment is expected.

No Contact

With the size of groups, age and ability differences, physical contact during play can result in injuries, hurt feelings and flared tempers. For this reason the students are expected to play the “no contact” rule which means:  no lifting, pushing, pulling, wrestling, tackling, piggybacking, grabbing, or body checking.


Students may bring toys to school; however, the school will not take responsibility for any damage or loss of toys. Guns, swords and knives – toy or real – are not to come to school for any purpose whatsoever.

Travel Arrangements

A student is expected to go home directly after school unless he or she has a note from a parent indicating otherwise.  During school times students will only be allowed to travel in vehicles, other than a parental vehicle, with drivers who have provided the school with a driver’s abstract and a copy of their vehicle insurance. These arrangements must be made beforehand. This is important to note when making arrangements during fieldtrips.

Winter Playground Activities

Snowballs: Throwing of snow is not permitted on the school grounds before, during or after school time.


Listen to the supervising staff and helpers at all time

  • On the sliding hills, walk up the RIGHT side of the hill
  • Only one person may slide at a time, wait until the sliding helpers give you the “go ahead”
  • Only Crazy carpets or foam sliders are to be used 
  • Students may only slide if they have proper gear: boots, snow pants, gloves and coat
  • When the bell rings, students must WALK down the hill, not slide
  • The staff will decide each day whether the hills are safe to slide, students will be notified during announcements if the sliding hill is closed
  • For safety reasons, no jumps are to be made or taken
  • Students must not walk across the sliding run