Let’s renew our commitment to the safety of our kids at Rosemont!
We are asking that parents DO NOT enter the parking lot to drop off their children (unless it’s early in the morning for Kidz Klub). The safest place to drop children off (without the driver leaving their vehicle) is to turn off of West Richards street onto Crease avenue and stop temporarily by the railing in the “no parking” zone in front of the school, just before the driveway and the parking cones. Students won’t need to cross the street and can walk around the building from the sidewalk.
If you wish to walk your children around back of the school, please park before the stop sign on West Richards street (above the school library and grade 5 classroom) and come down the sidewalk there. Again, you won’t need to cross the street with your children. There is LIMITED parking on the far side of Crease avenue across from the school as well. We ask that if you choose to park here that you DO NOT block any driveways or off-street parking for our neighbours. Please cross the street safely!